Monday, 28 February 2011

Fur sale

Article taken from Rochdale Observer 3rd February 1965



PERSIAN LAMB                75 GUINEAS


Sunday, 27 February 2011

Murder hunt

Murder Hunt launched after boys find baby's body.

A full scale murder investigation was mounted in Rochdale after three school boys dicovered the body of a baby in the River Roch on Sunday afternoon.

Taken from Rochdale Observer dated 3rd Feb 1965

Saturday, 26 February 2011


The following advert appeared in the Rochdale Times dated 17th Feb 1912

WORN OUT MEN with wrecked nerves should take Dr Cassell's Tablets for weak and nervous people.

1 Have you been burning the candle at both ends?
2 Are you suffering from nerve and physical breakdown?
3 Have you kidney and digestive troubles?
4 Do you lack organic energy?
Or are you suffering from any form of physical and nerve exhaustion? If so a course of Dr Cassell's Tablets for weak and nervous people will speedily and permanently cure you.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Death rate in Rochdale

The death rate in Rochdale last week, according to the returns of the registrar general, was 20.9 per 1,000 per annum, as compared with an average of 21.6 for the 94 great towns of England and Wales.

Taken from; Rochdale Times 17th Feb 1912

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Last chance to see......

Highlighting both historic and contemporary artists' prints and drawings from the Art Gallery collection. Making Marks: Print and Drwaings from the Art Gallery collection closes on 13th March 2011.

Minstrel Troupe at the Workhouse

Report in Rochdale Times 14th Feb 1912

On Saturday evening the Whitworth Parish Church minstrel troupe gave a performance to the inmates of Dearnley Workhouse. A capital programme, consisting of songs, jokes, etc was given by the troupe. The inmates appeared much interested in the entertainment, judging by their hearty applause.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

A Dog's sleep

Rochdale Times - March 2nd 1912

Adam Greenhalgh of Mason Street Bolton was summoned for sleeping while in charge of two horses and a lurry in Bury Old Road Heywood on the 14th February. PC Kay said he walked alongside the lurry for a distance of 100 yards and looked under the sheet twice to make sure the defendant was asleep. When he woke up he said 'I was only dog Sleeping.' A fine of 5s and costs were inflicted.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Lancashire Dialect word of the day

               v. to bend; to sink down from weakness

Monday, 21 February 2011

Create:Consult FREE art workshop for 14-19yrs

This Wednesday.............................Create:Consult FREE art workshop for 14-19yrs

Feb 23rd 1pm-4pm at Touchstones Rochdale.

Create:Consult is the Art Gallery’s creative forum for young people aged 14-19yrs. Work with Manchester based artist Lee Crocker exploring our current prints and drawings exhibition ‘Making Marks’. Develop your drawing techniques and try your hand at working with scrapper board to create your own piece of bold artwork. Any work created on the day will be available to take away after the session.
Booking is essential as there are limited places. Bring your friends not your parents!

For more information please contact Touchstones Rochdale on 01706 924492 or email:

Artists in Residence: Rachael Elwell

This Tuesday 22nd February 2011 11am - 4pm

Artist RachaeL Elwell will undertake a four-week residency as part of her exhibition Capacity of Line. Visit the Gallery to see Rachael at work and to contribute to her drawing research through participatory projects.

Selling celery

Rochdale Times 10th Feb 1912

Selling celery

The New Market Co summoned a youth named Frank Gartside of 13 New Barn St, for having exposed celery for sale without a permit. PC Senior spoke to the defendant who was going from door to door in Charlotte Street. Garside ran away when approached, claiming he did not know it was neccessary to have a permit. A fine of 1s and costs were imposed.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Skater's escape

Article appeared in Rochdale Times dated 7th February 1912

Immersed in the Lake at Hollingworth

Frosts sudden end

The spell of keen frost which brought joy to the heart of the skater and discomfort to most other people, came to a very sudden end on Monday evening. Skaters enjoyed themselves to their hearts' content over the weekend. Vendors of skates did a roaring trade, those in Rochdale being practically sold out by Monday evening. Hollingworth was the Mecca of hundreds of skaters but consternation was caused on Sunday evening when a young man fell through the ice. Whilst skating at the end of the lake in front of the Fisherman's Inn, the son of a local butcher, Mr Stansfield of Smithybridge, he plumped through a small hole in the ice, he managed to pull himself up by using his arms and was rescued by some fellow skaters. Afterwards the hole was boarded round to prevent a repitition of the accident.

Saturday, 19 February 2011


Advert appeared in Rochdale Times dated 12th Feb 1912


For official particulars of fares, at ordinary and reduced rates,
Apply to the London Passenger Agency of
E A SMITH 13 Victoria St, London S.W

Friday, 11 February 2011

Dyeworks fire at Heywood

Rochdale Observer 12th Feb 1955

The top floor of the Roeacre Dyeing and Felting Company's premises burst into flames on Thursday afternoon. Flames were leaping out of the windows, fortunately none of the employees were injured. Five fire engines were engaged in fighting the fire including engines from Bury and Rochdale whilst traffic was diverted away from the main road.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Blackshirt Meeting

The following advert appeared in the Rochdale Observer 5th February 1938

Blackshirt Meeting

The British Union of Fascists and National Socialsits
Will hold a meeting on Town Hall Square
On Friday next, February 11th
At 8pm
Speaker; Miss Doreen Bell
Further particulars from R.M.Lomax, 1 South Street

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Who Killed Cock Robin?

Article from Rochdale Observer 8th February 1961

Two boys aged 14 and 13 appeared before the justices at Rochdale Borough Juvenile Court last week accused of killing a robin on Springbank Lane, Bamford. The bird, 'quite a pet in the Bamford district' was found dead by a Bamford lady, who said she had seen three boys shoot it with an air rifle. Two of the boys admitted killing the robin and were fined £2.00 each.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Summit tunnel drama

Article taken from Rochdale Observer 9th Feb 1938

Injured Workman in Path of Oncoming Train

Prompt action by workmates prevented a tragedy in the gloom and smoke of the Summit Tunnel yesterday morning, when an injured man fell across the lines into the path of an oncoming train. Mr Harry Marshall (41) was working on a scaffold when he fell to the floor, injuries to his ribs rendered him helpless. He was pulled to safety by his colleagues when the train was about three hundred yards away. He was transferred to Rochdale Infirmary by motor ambulance.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Air Raid Precautions

County Borough of Rochdale

Air Raid Precautions

An Appeal to the public by the Mayor

The Air Raid Precautions Committee for the County Borough of Rochdale ask me to make this appeal to citizens to enrol for voluntary service in the local scheme for safety measures in the event of Enemy Air Raids. The main volunteers needed are these: Special constabulary, Auxillary firemen, Air Raid wardens and Ambulance Drivers. The training of volunteers will be made as interesting as possible, and times and places will be so fixed as to cause the least possible inconvenience to them.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Freedom of the Borough scroll presented to Mr J C Jefferson's widow

Article from Rochdale Observer 5th Feb 1955

The presentation of the Freedom of the Borough scroll to the widow of the late Mr J C Jefferson took place on Thursday afternoon in the Mayor's parlour at the Town Hall. A small gathering of family and friends attended to witness the occasion. Mr Jefferson, an eminent surgeon, endeared himself to a lot of people, for not only had they admired and been grateful for his skill, but they had learned to love him. It was with deep regret that it had not been possible to make the presentation before Mr Jefferson's death.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Physical fitness - Fine display at the Town Hall

Article taken from Rochdale Observer 2nd February 1938

The Town Hall was crowded with people for a display of national dances, folk dances, skipping and other physical exercise by pupils of Rochdale keep fit classes. Councillor Crowder said the idea of the demonstration was to follow up what had been happening all over the country since the Prime Minister had launched the National Health campaign. Unfortunately in Rochdale men had so far not responded like women to the appeal to join keep fit classes.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Rag gatherer hurt

Article taken from Rochdale Observer dated 5th Feb 1955

A rag gatherer, Mr Harvey Bennett of 27 Alma St Rochdale, bruised his legs when his cart overturned in Oldham Road on Weds afternoon. Mr Bennett was driving his pony cart into Lee St, when a wheel caught the kerb and turned the cart over. The pony was unhurt.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Situations vacant

Advert in Rochdale Observer 2nd February 1955

Situations vacant - For mill and workshop

Two young women wanted for punching and riveting buckle straps (leather) - Apply to O & W Ormerod Ltd, Niall Street, Rochdale.