Sunday, 31 July 2011

Take the pledge ?

According to a Manchester newspaper published on the 2nd of August 1845 a Temperance Society was formed on the 31st of July at the new school attached to Messrs. Brights mill. Mr. Jacob Bright Jr. presided and 30 persons took the pledge.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

New Organ for Littleborough

On Sunday 25th of July 1830 the new organ by Nicholson of Rochdale opened at Trinity Chapel Littleborough.

This was reported in a Manchester newspaper on the 30th of July 1830. The Rochdale Observer didn't start publication until 1856.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Out of Order !

The Rochdale Observer for the 1st of August 1956 had this report :

Heavy storms hit Rochdale with nearly three inches of rain in four days. The heavy rain and high winds played havoc with the telephone installations with many subscribers instruments being reported as ' out of order '.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Old Stocks

On this day in 1891 the old stocks were erected in St. Chad's Churchyard.
They were originally outside the churchyard, near the church gate and in 1796 they were so much worn with frequent use that they had to be repaired !

This information is taken from 'Annals of Rochdale ' by Robert D. Mattley.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Pilgrimage !

Fifteen nationalities were represented as sixty students visited Rochdale the birth place of Co-operation.

This was reported in the Observer on the 31st of July 1926.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Huge Productivity !

A HUNDRED TONS OF COAL PER DAY. This headline is from the Observer for the 31st of July 1926.
Great activity prevails on Haugh Hey hillside, above Ogden, where upwards of five hundred men - some of whom come from Scotland and Wales - are engaged in getting coal from the outcrops.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Centenary Flower Bed

The Observer for the 28th of July 1956 had this report :

To achieve something decorative with life in it has been the dream of gardeners at Falinge Park. They have been successful and have created a Centenary Flower Bed Display using almost 14,000 plants.

The Centenary in 1956 was to commemorate the formation of the Borough in 1856.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Ena Sharples in Rochdale

With microphone in hand, Violet Carson ( Ena Sharples in Coronation Street ) interviewed William Henry Schofield for the radio programme ' My Country's Best - Lancashire '. This was because Mr. Schofield was a Knur and Spel veteran.

Knur and Spel was known as poor man's golf. For more information go to the ' Discover' part of the website then on to ' Fun and Games '.

This appeared in the Observer on the 28th of July 1956.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

' Sunday Half Hour ' from Rochdale !

The Observer headline for the 25th of July 1956 states :

Annual Sing to be broadcast by B.B.C. in ' Sunday Half Hour '.
At a meeting of the committee, held at the Town Hall, the secretary was able to inform them that efforts had been successful and that the British Broacasting Corporation would broadcast the 1956 Centenary Sing on the Light Programme.

Friday, 22 July 2011

No Observer !

Due to a printers strike the Rochdale Observer on the 22nd of July 1922 did not appear again until the 30th of August.

Thursday, 21 July 2011


On this day in 1902 the Observer reported :

John Holroyd and Company were registered today with a capital investment of £20,000.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What a good service !

This Advert is taken from the Observer 20th July 1926.

If you are holidaying in the Blackpool District leave your grocery and provision order at any of our Rochdale and District branches.
Goods delivered at your apartment to wait your arrival.

James Duckworth Ltd.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Littleborough's climate

'The climate is somewhat damp but bracing' says Dr. J. T. R. McGill Medical Officer of Health for Littleborough.

This was reported in the Rochdale Observer on the 17th July 1926.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Home News


Copies of the Observer may be had at the following newsagents :

Blackpool - W. H. Smith and Son, Talbot Road and Central Station.
St. Annes - J. W. Lambert, The Bridge, near Station.
Southport - E. Kelly & Sons, 22, Lord Street.

This advert appeared in the July 31st edition of the Observer in1926.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Hollingworth Lake Advert

If you cannot go to the seaside don't be downhearted-but take an enjoyable outing to
incorporating motor boat trips, daily dancing, children's playground, grand musical promenade concerts, Lake Hotel and tea rooms.
Roll up in your thousands. A hearty welcome to all.

From the July issues of the Rochdale Observer for 1926.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Rochdale Holdays

The first annual Rochdale Holiday in July took place in bad weather, the wettest week of the year !

This was the 19th to the 26th of July 1930.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Dirty Old Town

The Rochdale Observer for July 3rd 1926 had this report:

The major portion of the town council meeting on Thursday was occupied by an important statement by the chairman of the health committee on the repeated statement that Rochdale has the most polluted atmosphere of any town in England.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Lord Derby in Rochdale

On July the 8th the new Rochdale Post Office was opened by Lord Derby.

From the Rochdale Observer 1927.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Garden Party

From the Rochdale Observer July 13th 1926.

The first Garden Party arranged by the Women's Suffrage Society was held in the grounds of Chamber House.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Dishonest Dentist

Former Rochdale Dentist sent to penal servitude for fraud.
The Judge stated that he was the kind of person from whom the public needed to be protected for a considerable time.

Rochdale Observer report July 7th 1926.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Agricultural Show

From the Rochdale Observer July 7th 1926.

Excellent exhibits at this years Agricultural Show.
On Saturday in ideal weather Rochdale held it's twenty first show. The athletic ground, Milnrow Road was the venue.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Summer Underwear

From the Rochdale Observer July 10th 1926.

Advert : D. Turner & Co. 81-83 Yorkshire Street.
Summer Underwear
Ladies Combinations in silk/wool and lightweight ribbed wool Camy Knickers in the newest styles.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Royal Visit

King George and Queen Mary visited Rochdale. Large crowds on the town square as they opened the Infirmary extension by pressing a button on a stand !

From the Rochdale Observer July 9th 1913.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Prepare for your holidays !

Advert published in the Rochdale Observer July 15th 1926 :
Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society Ltd.
Prepare for your holidays. Holiday Suits 50/- to measure. Suits made to measure 57/6.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Rare Orchids Poisoned By Weedkiller.

A prized colony of rare wild orchids at Healey Dell has been wiped out by Rossendale Council workmen. They were growing on a grass verge and although in a nature reserve, it is council procedure to spray with weedkiller, roadside verges.

Rochdale Observer 24th June 1988..

Friday, 1 July 2011

Tripe and Cowheel Cycle Competition

Advert from the Rochdale Observer July 10th 1926.
Boys and Girls ! Your last chance to win a spledid cycle. The great U.C.P. Tripe and Cowheel Prize Cycle Competition, closes July 31st.