Monday, 31 October 2011

We must have needed more than hope !

This paragraph is taken from a book called : Rochdale in the beginning of the 17th century by Henry Fishwick.

Vigorous as has been Rochdale's progress in the past, we must hope that it's future be no less so, for if the time ever comes that towns like this shall fall away into decay, the day will not be far distant when England's greatness - like the glory of ancient Rome - shall have departed from her, and her former strength and power shall have become the theme of the historian and poet.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Our Own Appleby !

Public Notice displayed from the 30th of October 1828 :

Rochdale Horse Fair will be held on Friday the 7th of November beginning in Clover Street and extending along Cheetham Street.
As usual this fair will be continued each succeeding half-year in May and November.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Watch Out !

An early Manchester paper from 29th of October 1830 had this report :

Henry Collingwood, Jeweller has had a recent robbery.
The Blackwater Street premises were entered through the roof. 20 silver and metal watches were stolen. The roof which is low communicates with another still lower, that at one part may almost be ascended without ladder from the pavement to the street.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Improve Our Town

Today in 1852 a meeting took place to set in motion the steps for obtaining a new Improvement Act.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Blue Ball For Sale

Manchester Guardian report 26th of October 1845 :

Sale of Blue Ball
All that old established and well accustomed Inn or Public House called the Blue Ball, situate in Yorkshire Street, Rochdale. The Brew House, Stable and other outbuildings and yard thereunto belonging, now occupied by Richard Holt and his under tenents.

For further particulars apply to :
Messrs. Woods and Jackson,

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Pay Rise !

The Manchester Guardian on this day in 1843 had this piece of news :

Mr James Archer, Woollen Manufacturer, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale has advanced his hand loom weavers wages by ten per cent.

Monday, 24 October 2011

The John Bright Statue

In 1891 on this day John Bright's statue was unveiled on the Town Hall Square.
The statue is 9 feet high and stands on a pedestal of 11 feet.
The cost was £2,000.

The statue was moved to it's present site in July 1933.

Please call in and see the material we have on John Bright in our library including a display of photographs to mark the bicentenary of his birth next month.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Special Event

Today in 1913 Lord Derby opened the Conservative Bazaar in the Town Hall which lasted four days.
This event realised £1,600.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Infectious Disease

Today in 1902 there was an announcement stating that smallpox had broken out in Rochdale.

Friday, 21 October 2011

The Boer War Tablet

Forty two Rochdalians died at Spion Kop and Paarberg during the hostilities in South Africa and it was resolved today in 1905, that a monument should be erected in their memory.
However, so little money was raised by the public appeal that the committee had to be content with the laying of a bronze tablet at the tower entrance to the Town Hall.

The tablet was unveiled by Brigadier General Fry and there was an extremely large turnout for the ceremony.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Workhouse day, 20th of October 1841

On the 20 Carles Holt came in to the house and sarah schofield had 4 yards of calico for 2 shifts and 3 yards of Blue cloth for a petty coate - ann Lomax had 6 yards of flannel for 2 petty coates

Part of the report of Mary Cheetham, Workhouse Mistress, May 1841 to November 1842.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Probably wouldn't happen today !

Today in 1900 a Stag was caught at The Greave after being chased through several districts.

From New Annals of Rochdale, T.T. Heywood.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Notes from the Workhouse

This is the entry for October 18th 1843 in the Spotland Workhouse Diary :

Last Monday William Butterworth the old joiner died and on the same day a man of the name of Jas Sutlife came into the House.
The suden change of weather has affected some of the inmates so that we have had to have the Doctor 2 or 3 times this week.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Good Buy !

The Wellington Hotel was sold for about £15,000, on this day in 1922.

From New Annals of Rochdale by T. T. Heywood.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Mr. John Bright

'There is no more controversial a figure in nineteenth century politics than John Bright.'

'John Bright was the most important figure in the history of mid-victorian radicalism.'

'John Bright was the greatest of all Parliamentary orators.'

Learn more by going to the 'Discover' part of our website then 'Focused on People' and then 'John Bright'.

If you are able please call in at Touchstones to see our John Bright collection.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

John Bright Celebrations

Call in at the Local Studies Library to find out about John Bright.
Born in November 1811 we have many events planned to celebrate the centenary.

Friday, 14 October 2011

News but not as we know it !

From The Manchester Courier October 14th 1843 :

There is at the present time in a garden belonging to Mr. Peter Dale, reed maker, near the Queen Ann Inn, Heap near Bury an apple tree in full bloom.
On Saturday evening last or early on Sunday morning some person or persons entering the garden of Mr. John Taylor of Hooley Bridge, near the same place, and took a quantity of gooseberries off a tree. They were a second crop and were of a moderate size.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Cyril Smith Event

In our Town Hall today we have the official unveiling of the Blue Plaque dedicated to the late Cyril Smith.
The Local Studies Library is displaying some material here so please come and take a look.
We have a wealth of material on Cyril Smith in our collection which we have gathered over many years and you can see this at any time by visiting Touchstones.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Pay Award

Plug Drawing Riots

3/- a day paid to special constables for their services in August last. 82 claimants.

This was reported in a Manchester paper on the 12th of October 1842

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Fair back again

Littleborough Cow and Sheep Fair.

We understand that this ancient fair is to be established again at Littleborough.
It will take place on the 22nd instant when prizes are to be awarded for the
best bulls, cows, calves, sheep and pigs.

This advertisement was in the Manchester Courier on the 11th of October 1842.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Plug Drawing

Two men committed to Kirkdale for drawing the plugs from boilers belonging to the cotton mills of George Hardman, Shawforth in August.

This was reported on the 10th of October 1842 in a Manchester paper.

For more information on this subject go back to the ' Discover ' part of the website then
' Riots and Radicalism '.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Reward for services

On the 9th of October 1840 this was reported in a Manchester newspaper :

Police Officer Woolley had been given the William IV Coronation Staff.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

New Man At The Top !

Today in 1842 a Manchester paper stated :

Carswell appointed Inspector of Police for Rochdale.
The appointment has been made at the request of a large number of gentlemen shopkeepers.
Carswell distinguished his self during the late disturbances.
He was efficient in the old police force in Manchester for several years.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Demise of notable figure

Today in 1822 a Manchester newspaper reported :

In recent days we have had news of the death of Robert Beswick Esq. of Pike House near Rochdale. He was in the 72nd year of his year