Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Birthplace Of The Co-operative Movement

In anticipation of the relaunch tomorrow of the Rochdale Pioneers Museum, here is a little information on the birthplace of the Co-operative Movement in Rochdale.
It was on December 21st 1844 that this small shop at 31 Toad Lane opened for business.
Selling essentials such as flour, sugar, butter and oatmeal in a fair and honest way.
The shop was different in that its customers became members, to show their commitment ,and profits were invested back into the shop.
Members got a share of the profits based on what they'd spent and this became known as 'the divi '.

The refurbishment of the museum is the centrepiece of a £2.3 million project, which includes conservation work and an outreach programme to make the museum and archive collections accessible to new audiences.

To learn more, please click on this link below :

Saturday, 27 October 2012

How Big Was The Dish ?

Monstre Jubilee Pie was provided today in Littleborough for the 'old folks'.
It contained : 235lbs of beef, 20lbs of mutton, 16lbs of tongue, a  quantity of veal, 4 rabbits, 12 ox-tails, 3 large geese, a couple of ducks, 9 chickens, half a dozen cow's hearts and other ingredients.
Served up with this pie was 1 load of potatoes, 3cwt of carrots and turnips and 40 cabbages.
This was in October 1887.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Making a Stand !

It was during October 1838 that the Anti-Corn Law Association was formed with John Bright being elected a member of the Provisional Committee.

To learn more please click on the link below :

Thursday, 25 October 2012


October 1855 saw 81,432 bales of cotton brought to Rochdale from Liverpool.
The Rochdale Banner, which was a weekly newspaper, began publication at this time and the Corn Mill on Weir Street was erected.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Mass Exodus !

3,000 Liberals left Rochdale today in 1879 to attend a reform demonstration in Manchester, which was addressed by Lord Hartington and John Bright,

Friday, 19 October 2012

Castleton Station

It was during October 1875 that 'Bluepits' Railway Station was re-named 'Castleton'.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

New Post

It was today in 1919 that Mr. E.N. Molesworth was appointed Coroner.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Important Man

On October 17th 1861 Mr.Sharman Crawford M.P. died.
He was the Member of Parliament for the Borough from 1842 to 1852.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Monday, 15 October 2012

There she goes !

High winds affected Rochdale yesterday and today in1854 resulting in the newly erected chimney at Grove Mills being blown down.
The structure was 90ft. high.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Important Guests

Today in 1872 a group of Japenese High Commissioners visited the town and were conducted over the principal industrial concerns and public buildings.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Piano Recital

The celebrated pianist Mr. Alfred Cortot gave a recital in the Town Hall today in 1922.
He had a couple of years before founded the 'Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris' with his coures in musical interpretation being legendary.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

100 years

On October the 11th 1873 the Baptist Church in Rochdale observed it's centenary.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Dry Times !

It was recorded on the 10th of October 1884 that Hollingworth Lake had reached it's lowest level since 1868.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

A Silver Performance !

Alderman Sir Samuel Turner J.P. resigned from the Town Council during October 1922.
He had served Rochdale for 25 years.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Believe In The Sign !

It was during October 1902 that the Rochdale Swimming Club was given permission to use the Rochdale Coat of Arms.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Friday, 5 October 2012

Special Duties

The Yeomanry Cavalry Troop paraded in The Butts today in 1851 and then marched to Worsley.
They along with their Regiment on the 9th of October formed a Guard Of Honour to the Queen.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Chapel for the Poor

On the 4th of October 1858 'The Chapel for the Destitute' was opened by John Ashworth.
John Ashworth was the author of Strange Tales.'
The building chosen was originally erected for the Young Men's Christian Association and it was here that John Ashworth held sevices for many years.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Rochdale's Famous Dialect Writer

On this very day in 1855 'Come Whoam To Thi Childer An' Me' by Edwin Waugh was published.

Click on this link to see Edwin Waugh and learn more about him :

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Today in 1866 Mr.Samuel Ashworth, one of the '28' was presented with an address and timepiece on being appointed manager of the North Of England Co-operative Wholesale Society.

Click on this link to discover more on Co-operation :

Monday, 1 October 2012

Out With The Old !

The new offices of the Rochdale Operative Spinners' Association on the corner of Nelson Street and Church Lane were opened today in 1906.